Lil Wayne Sentenced to a Year in Jail; Could Be Out in Eight Months

March 8th, 2010 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Countess/Getty
Rolling Stone’s recent headline “Lil Wayne Goes to Jail” has finally come true: After a pair of temporary reprieves, Lil Wayne was officially sentenced to a year behind bars in a New York courtroom today after pleading guilty to weapons charges stemming from an incident in the Big Apple in 2007. Following the sentencing, Wayne was handcuffed as he exited the courthouse en route to New York’s Riker’s Island, the city jail where the rapper will serve his prison stint. According to the AP, Weezy’s legal team requested that he be placed in protective custody as opposed to the general population due to his status as a celebrity and the numerous dental surgeries the rapper underwent prior to his sentencing.

Lil Wayne’s World: look back at the rapper’s rise in photos.

USA Today reports that while Wayne was given a year-long sentence, there’s a good chance he’ll only spend two-thirds, or eight months, of his term behind bars, as in these situations inmate often get time off for good behavior. Wayne sat quietly next to his legal team during his sentencing, opting not to address the court and simply nodding his head when the judge asked whether he understood the charges he was facing. Upon exiting the courthouse, his hands handcuffed behind his back, he gave the crowd of 100 fans and supporters a slight bow before heading off to prison.

As Rolling Stone previously reported, Weezy managed to avoid sentencing twice prior to finally being shipped off to prison today: Wayne’s initial sentencing was postponed three weeks so the rapper could undergo dental procedures — reportedly eight root canal surgeries — before starting his jail term. Last week, a courthouse fire forced Weezy’s sentencing to be postponed yet again, and Wayne celebrated his unexpected freedom by appeari...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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